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Violet Thelele is Wakefields' Rookie of the Year for 2022/23...and she's thrilled! But what makes her truly happy, is simply working in the world of property. She loves it, plain & simple! 

Violet is very clear about how her property journey began. She, her husband, and young son left Polokwane in Limpopo, and headed down to Kwazulu-Natal to begin a new life. She'd been a financial advisor but was now keen to explore other avenues in her new province.

The family began their search for a new home in the Upper Highway: "I fell in love with Wakefields before I even considered working in property. I spent so much time combing through the Wakefields advertising brochures, falling in love with properties, and when I contacted one of their sales consultants, we had an amazing experience with her. The service she gave us was superb, and I've never forgotten that." 

Violet's dad had been a realtor 'in the olden days' she laughs: "I think it must run in our blood." She decided that was the industry in which she wanted to forge a new career. When I called a friend for advice on how to get into the property industry, she said, "Don't waste your time anywhere else - go to Wakefields!'"  

And that is exactly what Violet did. But true to form, she did it her own way. I didn't want to waste time sending out CVs. Instead, I got up one morning, dressed up, and headed straight to the Wakefields' Kloof office with the intention of meeting with the Branch Manager - Haydn Wakefield. The rest is history and two weeks later, she was sitting at her new Wakefields desk.

"I was very green when I started. I had no experience, knew nothing about the property lingo, my network of friends and family were back in Polokwane, I didn't even know what a listing was." But as her manager concedes: "Violet is a young, ambitious professional who has never veered from her desire to achieve success in her chosen career. Her genuine caring and understanding of her clients needs have assisted her to become well established in the Upper Highway area, a trait that stands her in good stead for the future".
While possessing an innate passion for property, Violet understands that true success requires more than just enthusiasm. Luckily, she found herself in a workplace where training, support, and mentoring were given the utmost importance.

From her very first day, the Wakefields Academy provided her with comprehensive training, equipping her with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the real estate industry. Through hands-on coaching and practical exercises, Violet gained a deep understanding of the property transfer process, effective communication techniques, and strategies to solve her clients' requirements.

Violet's colleagues and the strength of the Wakefields Kloof sales team also played a pivotal role in her journey. The team welcomed her with open arms and their collective expertise and experience served as a wellspring of knowledge. Of her colleagues, Violet says: "The camaraderie among the Kloof team is infectious, and I am continuously motivated to do my best, knowing that my success is intertwined with theirs. They are wonderful group and I am proud to be a part of the team".

Violet's dedication and the continuous support she received has paid off. The training she had received proved invaluable, allowing her to approach each client interaction with finesse and confidence. Her ability to build rapport, understand client needs, and offer tailored solutions stand her in good stead.

Last week Violet won Rookie of the Year throughout the Wakefields group. Her story serves as a reminder that with desire and determination, plus the right guidance and a supportive environment, you can achieve extraordinary success and become an inspiration for others in their professional journey.

Author: Anne Schauffer

Submitted 25 May 23 / Views 1507