Category Residential Property News

Norma Snodgrass was ready for a challenge, so when given the opportunity to take over the reigns of Manager at Yellowwood Park, she leapt at it.

Norma Snodgrass was recently appointed manager at the Yellowwood Park branch, and although she's been in the self-same Wakefields office since she began her career in property ten years ago, she acknowledges that being part of management comes with fresh challenges....which she relishes! "I was so ready to move into a management role, and of course, I've been fortunate to have been mentored by our previous long-standing manager, Peter Lomax. He taught me everything I know!"

Norma's entry into property was at a time when she was recently widowed and had three children, one not yet three years old. She'd lived in Yellowwood Park for many years, knew the terrain well, and had always had a fascination for property: "I'd always loved it, even though I wasn't involved in it...but when the time came, I saw an advert in the local paper - Wakefields were the agents from whom I bought my property! They suggested I join their team, and I've never looked back."

"From Day one, I was happy. Property was a natural fit for me, and I fell straight into it. From being a stay-at-home mom, I became a full-time sales consultant overnight...and signed and sealed my first sale within two weeks. I was particularly pleased because it was a property which had been on the market for four years." For Norma, there was the added advantage of being able to work hard and full-time, but be able to manoeuver around the needs of her children: "That flexibility worked perfectly for me."

Norma admits it wasn't always easy balancing a life with young children and a demanding job she loved, but she managed well, and made a real success of it: "Establishing and maintaining that balance is always the challenge. Sometimes it works, sometimes not as well, but overall, this profession makes it entirely possible to earn a living, enjoy your career, and be there for your children."

A year ago, Norma felt the need for a new challenge, and took on a role as sales consultant for one of Wakefields' developments: "It was entirely different, such a learning curve! But then the position of Yellowwood Park Manager was advertised inhouse, and I felt ready for that. I'd learned so much from watching, listening and being mentored by the late Peter Lomax. Even today, I catch myself saying, 'What would Peter have done?'" Norma admits to being somebody who, every now and again, needs a fresh challenge, and this role in management certainly fits that bill. Having been in the branch and in the company for over a decade, she knows the company culture, the suburb, the staff, and all about securing successful sales.

Norma is thoroughly enjoying her new role. She laughs, "My biggest challenge is that I can't switch off on weekends! I'm so used to working then, that I find myself in the office doing paperwork, or even covering a showhouse for one of the agents. I'm sure I'll learn..." She's very involved with the Yellowwood Park Sports Club, and apart from the admin and fundraising functions, she enjoys the socialising and networking aspect. 

For Norma, although every purchase or sale always presents fresh challenges, she's now looking at them from a different angle. The biggest management challenge always revolves around people, ensuring that each different personality receives what they need to succeed: "We've always had a very harmonious office, and it's going to stay that way. If I feel something needs to be addressed, I tackle it straight away." But she knows she can consult with other members of the management team if she needs advice: "It's a great backstop at Wakefields, knowing that solid, experienced advice is a call away."

Norma looks forward to mentoring new sales consultants, and supporting experienced ones: "I'm just as hands on with clients and staff as I've always been, only now I'm there as support for anything they might need.

A laugh, "Taking over as manager is exactly the challenge I wanted. I have a very busy mind, and this keeps it going 24/7..."

Author: Anne Schauffer

Submitted 23 May 19 / Views 2390

Yellowwood Park, Yellowwood Park

Less than 1,300 families have the honour of calling Yellowwood Park their home. Situated just 14km from the heart of Durban, this suburb is noted for its abundance of large Yellowwood trees (Podocarpus Latifolius), some of which are well over a... More Info